Monday, November 3, 2014

The Twelve Stages of Applying to the Disney College Program

      The Disney College Program is a wonderful experience for anyone in college, no matter where you are from, what major you are, or what background you have. I learned a ton of life lessons from my program, but before I get into those, here is a summary of the stages of applying to the program. Before you can understand what it was like actually learning from the Walt Disney World Company, you need to understand the emotions leading up to this experience.
1. When you first learn that the Disney College Program exists.

2. After reading about the College Program for hours, you feel like there is no way you could be accepted to the program.

3. Your parent's reaction when you tell them you are applying for the College Program.

4. Your friends' reaction when you tell them about the College Program.

5. Your response to all the haters.

6. That feeling when you actually submit your application. 

7. Your parents when they finally realize that you are serious about working for Disney for a semester.

8. Then the agonizing wait to hear if you were accepted or not.

9. Wondering if you could have done more for your application. 

10. Then a little bit more agonizing waiting.

11. The day when that email finally arrives and you just stare at it for awhile.

.... and your friends are waiting for you to open it...

12. That joy when you find out you were accepted!

All gifs courtesy All original content courtesy The Walt Disney World Company.

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